Turbo Wash Energizing Cleanser For Hair & Body
Turbo Wash Energizing Cleanser For Hair & Body
Turbo Wash Energizing Cleanser For Hair & Body

Turbo Wash Energizing Cleanser For Hair & Body

سعر عادي $24.00
شحن محسوبة عند الخروج.

فقط [@ 90000] عنصر في المخزن!
A 2-in-1 cleanser for hair & body Developed with PureScience technology Contains Rosemary & Eucalyptus to support immunity by minimizing bacteria on skin's surface Formulated with invigorating aroma to clear nasal passages & help breathing Blended with Juniper Berry to detoxify body & accelerate post-workout recovery Loaded with Arnica to lessen pain, bruising & swelling To use: Apply before exercise in a warm shower to relax muscles, open airways & arouse senses, or after exercise to deeply cleanse skin, support immune system & lessen lactic acid build-up

Squeeze a quarter-size dollop of gel onto your bath pouf or palmsScrub the gel in circular motions over your body while avoiding your eyes, mouth and hairRinse thoroughly to remove any gel residuePat skin dry with a towel and continue your skin care routine as usual

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