0. EXFOLIA - Skin Renewing Peeling Scrub
0. EXFOLIA - Skin Renewing Peeling Scrub
0. EXFOLIA - Skin Renewing Peeling Scrub

0. EXFOLIA - Skin Renewing Peeling Scrub

سعر عادي $13.00
شحن محسوبة عند الخروج.

فقط [@ 90000] عنصر في المخزن!

A body treatment that offers double exfoliating action: scrub & peel Formulated with 10% Gluconolactor PHA to gently exfoliate & promote cell regeneration Blended with sugar microgranules to instantly remove dead cells Refines skin texture with a "new skin" effect from the very first application Infused with resurrection sugar for moisturizing & protective benefits Leaves body skin even, smooth & radiant Free of plastic microspheres to protect the marine ecosystem

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