Bigger Brighter Eyes Filter #Exaggereyes
Bigger Brighter Eyes Filter #Exaggereyes

Bigger Brighter Eyes Filter #Exaggereyes

سعر عادي $59.00 سعر البيع $48.50 حفظ [@ 90000]
شحن محسوبة عند الخروج.

فقط [@ 90000] عنصر في المخزن!
Charlotte Tilbury's Luxury Palette - Exaggereyes lets you channel these sparkling eyes in real life. Effortlessly easy to master, these great quartets feature four velvety smooth powders in complementary tones designed to Prime, Enlarge, Define and Pop when applied to lids. Carefully curated, this ingenious selection will help you create eyes that look wider and brighter, whatever color they are. Exagger-Eyes stars ivory-cream rose golden, red-brown, and transparent sparkle shades.
1. To use, apply the prime shade all over your eyes with your blender brush, and use your smudger brush to focus on the inner corners of your eyelids. 2. Apply the enlarge shade using your blender brush. You can wash it across the eye lightly or build up in the crease for a lightly-contoured effect. 3. Add instant definition by applying the Define shade along your lash line to create the illusion of brighter eyes. 4. A wash of the transparent sparkle shade will create wider and brighter-looking eyes by applying with your ring finger to the centre of your eyelid.

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